Title: The Light. Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway? (US) General Characters: Colin and Brad. Prompt: 073. Light. Word Count: 259 Rating: G Author's Notes: Pure. Fluff. Goodness. Based after the An Evening with Colin and Brad show I went to last weekend.
Title: Power Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway? (US) General Characters: Brad as the narrator, others. Prompt: 083. And. Word Count: 434 Rating: G. Author's Notes: See if you can figure out where the word “and” comes into this one.
Title: The Outside Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway? (US) General Characters: That mystery character from The Inside (Prompt 004) Prompt: 005. Outsides. Word Count: 277. Rating: PG-13 Author's Notes: After a test, what do you do? Stare at the wall until your mind goes numb? No! You write some slash.
Title: The Inside. Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway? (US) General Characters: Chip. Prompt: 004. Insides. Word Count: 273 Rating: PG. Author's Notes: The person mentioned in this story is supposed to be whoever you want. The POV is Chip.
Title: End of the Line Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway? (US) General Characters: Colin Prompt: 003. Ends. Word Count: 233. Rating: G. Author's Notes: I was really bored in Bio II today, so this is what came out of it. This is Pre-WL, a friendship tale, and slightly AU. I was going for innocence with this one.
Title: Caught in the Middle Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway? (US) General Characters: Ryan, Colin, Greg Prompt: 002. Middles. Word Count: 245. Rating: PG. Author's Notes: Inspired by the song “Caught in the Middle” by A1.
Well, it seems as though that 100 fic community will never accept my claim, but I decided to write all the fics anyway and share them with you wonderful people! I'm keeping the format of introduction to the fic they asked for, just to be ironic...or just plain funny, whatever works
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